HealingStargate Messages™

Included are Channeled Messages of 'The Council Twelve', 'The ONE', 'Lord Krishna'.
(Additional Channeled Messages are on my main site: Link below)

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Nibiruan Council

January 8, 2008

Scribed by C.N.(KOR) RODGERS


HealingStargate Messages

We speak through our Emissary Channel by name of KOR (C.N.RODGERS)

We wish him to scribe a message and have uplifted his receiving to us to place the words into the 3D.

Here you all are in the beginning of your calendar year of 2008. You are wondering what is ahead and how to involve yourSelves more fully.

The scribe, KOR, is also in that place of questioning and so we speak to all that read this message.

We of the Nibiruan Council are here to assist in several means of operation; Energy, inspiration, Light Focus and the actions which will include mediation and negotiations in the coming time which the scribe is of paramount dealings.

This of your 2008 will be somewhat liquid but yet firming up much of your past issues to clear. Clearing is the main focus.

Seeing more clearly the underpinnings of issues is now in operation and the release of these so called 'underpinnings' for a complete dissolving of issues that are holding on and no longer are serving you.

Yes there will be more apparent movement, more so than the past few years and so there will be a difference and it will show you in new surroundings and with a new fresher feeling.

It will be up to your willingness, 'freewill', if you are to fit into the picture we present.

We speak of you having more ease of action in this movement if you make the shift and swim through this time and not struggle.

You who read this have many helpers on the many dimensions. Practice asking for help, look at your thoughts when you ask for help and make no judgment.

Let go and take note what thoughts of resistance you may have and make no judgment.

Asking LIGHT PATHS to regenerate and reconstruct your thinking physical brain neuron pathways.

This will lead to clearing, releasing and movement beyond 3D and 4D as many of you are walking between the dimensions now.

Testing and learning the various frequencies as you have been doing is now leading to a having complete residence on the next levels as to your purpose and agreements.

We are knowing of your concerns and confusion at times and we are seeing you move through this and into firm footing.

Let us join together in one, in ONEness with the Divine Central BEing that IS already within you now.

Stand in your truth beloved ones.

We end our transmission and yet we do not leave you.

This message is to be left complete as written and is available to be passed on freely.

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