HealingStargate Messages™

Included are Channeled Messages of 'The Council Twelve', 'The ONE', 'Lord Krishna'.
(Additional Channeled Messages are on my main site: Link below)

MAIN SITE:www.healingstargate.com

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Resolving and Clearing Matters

The Council Twelve

Resolving and Clearing Matters

Channeled by

We are here and we bring you much love, light, and energy.

It is time to resolve some of the matters that most of you have not looked at for awhile.

It is time to clear and clean up what might be hanging around in your consciousness that needs, to be let go of and in whatever way neutralized.

This can have to do with various matters such as past friendships, or business relationships that are no longer in your focus.

We are speaking of situations that need to be let go of and dissolved from occupying any space or energy in your Consciousness.

The reason for this is that the time ahead you will need all the energy and focus that can be found withIN to do that which is for your highest evolution as well as that of the planet of your residence.

Although you all are masters of creation, you will need for the time ahead a more clear canvas so to say.

Yes the time ahead will put you all on notice that you are masters of your life and your reality.

Be ever more clear in your life-space and heart so that your life will and is to become more effortless.

The time ahead we speak of is not gloom and doom. The time ahead is however filled with opportunities, and they are best to be taken advantage of.

We speak of opportunities for your highest evolution.

We stand with you all that read these messages, and to all those that want more connection to that which IS, realizing your ONENESS with I AM, all that IS.

Know that we will continue our work with you.

We love you much and send you the necessary energies to find clearing as we have stated, to find ways of letting go of that which you no longer need.

Ask for assistance, the energy will be there for you to make your statement or declaration and the letting go will happen.

We are here and now let you take in the energy that we send.