HealingStargate Messages™

Included are Channeled Messages of 'The Council Twelve', 'The ONE', 'Lord Krishna'.
(Additional Channeled Messages are on my main site: Link below)

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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Practicing The Presence

Practicing The Presence


The Council Twelve

Channel: C.N. (KOR) RODGERS

January 13, 2008


HealingStargate Messages

This message has been pending and we are pleased to now present information on this topic.

We are here and we bring you much LIGHT, Love, and energy in this new year on EarthBase.

We have been waiting to bring this message through and the channel is now in receiving mode and ready to begin with renewed focus.

We want the term 'co-creation' to be better understood so that you are using this process into a higher degree.

'Co-creation' is clear wording and on the surface it is self explaining, however, it can be used to higher degrees than perhaps is it being taught or spoken about.

We wish to bring an expanded perception of this process and want only to add our thoughts to bring you to the new level in understanding.

We speak to those that are receiving this code and frequency and it is neither right nor wrong if these words or energies do not translate for you.

Co-creation is working along with the Divine Supreme ONE, Divine Consciousness, God, Goddess, all that IS.

Now, as you place into your consciousness what you wish to create or what you feel you want in your life, be advised that your highest good is of paramount importance.

Lessons learned by 'not having' are powerful and so take note of what you are creating and what you have learned.

Place into the physical mind AS IF you 'HAVE ALREADY', this IS to start the formation into the 3D world.

You AFFIRM the existence of the thing or condition as already present and BEing 'in' your experience.

This you all know, we understand that. We present this path to now bring into play the next level.

Upgrading into the 'Supreme Spiritual Consciousness' is to be considered.

To move to the Spiritual MIND or Supreme Consciousness, is to LET IT GO into the Divine with the understanding that ONLY for your highest purpose is it present or existing.

Having no agenda expect to assist the co-creation process and fine tuning our receiving, or we say and suggest that you 'Practice the Presence' and MOVE into the highest level BY 'LETTING the Divine Consciousness Create through YOU.

'Practicing The Presence' is to still the human mind and be in a listening mode, and THEN let supply and health and abundance BE created though the Divine Supreme Consciousness that each and everyone already IS.

Our LIGHT and Blessings are always with you.

A note from the channel: I sense I cannot copyright these messages. The words and energy are of the LIGHT and therefore I ask that as you pass along any of this information, please include the complete and total message with a link to: