HealingStargate Messages™

Included are Channeled Messages of 'The Council Twelve', 'The ONE', 'Lord Krishna'.
(Additional Channeled Messages are on my main site: Link below)

MAIN SITE:www.healingstargate.com

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Go Forth Now-The Council Twelve

Go Forth Now
The Council Twelve
June 4, 2011

We are here and we bring you much light, love and energy in this now.

We announce the time is now to answer your call to upliftment and service to your planet of residence.

In our past messages we have been preparing you to be ready and to awaken your Divine Senses.

We now activate you, those of you that are ready and open to the energy of LIGHT and the Divine Spark.

It is truly a time to activate as this opportunity comes around in a linear time table that is too liquid to give exact measuring as to when it will happen again.

We do not provoke fear using this alerting tone.

It is to give you the facts and details to create a sense of urgency.

Look withIN and listen to the ‘still small voice’ that is speaking.

This aspect of an ‘inner knowing’ is alive and well and is actively waiting to speak.

You may be directed to go to another locale or to leave your present plan and move to a new process that you may find you have been struggling to put out of your thoughts.

Each of you will have their own contracts and we can not speak to all the possibilities.

Let us guide you and do so call out to your personal guides to find what these paths for you are to be and then embark on this your newest journey.

We have spoken of the divisions that are ‘appearing’ in an ever more apparent way at this stage of upliftment for your platform of existence.

These divisive appearances will continue until they lose their energy.

We suggest that you simply observe and not place any fear energy into them.

We suggest you may use a process the channel calls ‘the Truth-Light Project’.

State that you wish to focus rays of LIGHT to be focused onto any of those that are working to hold onto the old ways of approaching the 3D life, onto those that are using fear to hold the ways of thinking that have been placed into the mass consciousness that keep power for those that want to control the masses, those that want to dominate, those with no thought of spiritual awareness.

Forgive them.

The Truth-Light Project has nothing to do with punishment; its purpose is to make such agendas transparent.

We say there is no ‘good or bad’ there is however a ‘higher vibratory’ way to proceed.

For you to take the ‘high road’ may be the gentle way of verbal usage.

There are many new individual sparks of LIGHT now that will be reading this and be assisting the more seasoned LightWorkers.

Hear the HeartVoice and if what we say resonates, you now have activation.

Blessings of LIGHT are always upon your path.

A note from the channel: I sense I cannot copyright these messages. The words and energy are of the LIGHT and therefore I ask that as you pass along any of this information, please include the complete and total message with a link to: